Security For Every Level of Your Network
Glencom delivers leading web, email and antivirus solutions to protect your business.
Even when your network perimeter is tightly secured against unauthorized access, the risks from email and web-borne threats can be extreme. Malware and viruses can be introduced by employees inadvertently connecting to a fraudulent website or opening a seemingly innocent email. The plethora of personal mobile devices that employees may use to connect to the corporate network can also introduce new vulnerabilities.
Glencom has extensive expertise in the full range of IT security technologies. We offer professional guidance and leading solutions that will maintain your business’s productivity and protect your network. We deliver critical content security systems that can easily produce a profitable return on your investment, as they help you to reduce Internet traffic, decrease liability, increase employee productivity and identify threats.
Learn more about the comprehensive content security solutions that Glencom can help you with today:
With email security software solutions from Glencom, your organization can stop 98% of spam from reaching your network. Partnering with best-of-breed industry vendors like MailFrontier, Clearswift and Trend Micro, we enable your enterprise to define custom email polices, safely quarantine suspect mail, detect certain strings, analyze attachments and send alerts of threats or policy violations.
Effectively managing your company and individual employees’ use of the Internet – and the content that comes into your internal networks – requires a strategic and thorough approach. Glencom collaborates with leading web activity monitoring and management solution providers like Websense and SurfControl to provide the industry’s most effective web access tools. Our web security solutions offer the maximum functionality, scalability and flexibility that your organization needs.
Controlling the ever-changing threats in today’s web-centric environment requires extreme vigilance in monitoring all of your network communications. Glencom has the expertise you can count on to identify and implement the right protection for your business. Working with industry leaders like Trend Micro and Symantec, we ensure that your enterprise is protected at all major points of risk – the desktop/client, email and groupware, Internet gateways, file servers, storage…and even your mobile endpoints.
Call Glencom now (1-800-GLENCOM) to discuss your needs, or contact us for a complimentary assessment of your risks and potential solutions.